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Erano Manalo's exegesis of Rev. 7:1-4INTRODUCTION:HOW DO THE APOSTLES CALL THE 144,000 WHO WERE SEALED FROM EVERY TRIBE OF ISRAEL?1. The first fruits to God Rev. 14:4 Q. Who are those referred to as the first fruits to God and to the Lamb? A. The 144,000 Rev. 14:3 Q. Whose work bore the one hundred forty four thousand? A. It is the work of the Lamb Rev.14:1
1. "I saw"- Apostle John saw in the vision that which he mentions in verses 1-3... Rev.7:1-3 Q. What does verse 4 (of Rev. 7) mention about the 144,000? A. "I heard" - they were not included among those seen in the vision as mentioned in verses 1-3... Rev 7:4
NOTE: Thus, Rev. 7:1-4 does not say that the 144,000 were sealed during the time of the other angel nor does it mention that the same angel did the sealing mentioned in both verses 3 and 4. Our detractors further argue and say: "Why is the sealing of the servants of God and that of the tribes of Israel mentioned in succession if they do not point to the very same work?
Q. Why did the Apostle John mention the 144,000 right after the mention of the other angel prophesied ?
A. Just to show the relationship of both works - sealing function and the same Church of Christ... Rev. 7:2-4
Q. What is the proof that in the Bible that the succession of verses cannot be used as basis to show That what is mentioned there refers to one and the same person or event?
A. Someone is prophesied in the verse who is to be given An authority of office from the house or Descendant of David.... Is. 22:22
Q. Who is referred to in this verse? A. It refers to Christ... Rev. 3:7 & fn. NAB Fn. of NAB: (Rev. 3:7) 3:7: City of David, "The New Jerusalem" (12), over which Christ has supreme authority.
Q. Is Christ being referred also in the preceding verses of Isaiah 22:22? A. That which is prophesied in the preceding verses Refers to Eliakim.... Is. 22:20-21
NOTE: Thus verses in the Bible that come one after the other should not always be construed to point to one and the same reference.
II. WHEN WAS THE 144,000 MENTIONED IN REVELATION 7:4 SEALED?1. The one hundred forty four thousand... Rev. 14:3-4 Q. Whose work is the 144,000? A. The work of the Lamb.... Rev. 14:1
Q. Who is the Lamb referred to? A. Christ is the Lamb of God Jn. 1:29
Q. When did the calling of those sealed by the Lamb or Christ occur? A. Christ was 30 years old when He started preaching This was in the first century.. Luc.3:23
NOTE: The 144,000 were called in the first century.
1. Simultaneous with the four angels.. Rev. 7:1-3
Q. When did the wind or the war (which was seen being held back by the four Angels happen? A. At the end of the sixth seal.. Rev. 6:12 & 15
Q. What is the meaning of the wind (being held back by the four angels which Was also the reason why all kinds of people hid in shelters)? A. The war is held back by the four angels..
The work of Jesus Christ and Felix Manalo were done separately in time.
They were the fruits of the Lamb which did not apostatize from the true Christian faith or were not defiled by the Catholic church. They were not sealed by the other angel mentioned in Rev. 7:2-3.1.
1. "I saw"- Apostle John saw in the vision that which he mentions in verses 1-3... Rev.7:1-3
Q. What does verse 4 (of Rev. 7) mention about the 144,000? A. "I heard" - they were not included among those seen in the vision as mentioned in verses 1-3... Rev 7:4
NOTE: Thus, Rev. 7:1-4 does not say that the 144,000 were sealed during the time of the other angel nor does it mention that the same angel did the sealing mentioned in both verses 3 and 4. Our detractors further argue and say: "Why is the sealing of the servants of God and that of the tribes of Israel mentioned in succession if they do not point to the very same work?
Q. Why did the Apostle John mention the 144,000 right after the mention of the other angel prophesied ? A. Just to show the relationship of both works - sealing function and the same Church of Christ... Rev. 7:2-4
Q. What is the proof that in the Bible that the succession of verses cannot be used as basis to show That what is mentioned there refers to one and the same person or event? A. Someone is prophesied in the verse who is to be given an authority of office from the house or descendant of David.Is. 22:22
Q. Who is referred to in this verse? A. It refers to Christ... Rev. 3:7 & fn. NAB Fn. of NAB: (Rev. 3:7) 3:7: City of David, "The New Jerusalem" (12), over which Christ has supreme authority.
Q. Is Christ being referred also in the preceding verses of Isaiah 22:22? A. That which is prophesied in the preceding verses Refers to Eliakim.... Is. 22:20-21
NOTE: Thus verses in the Bible that come one after the other should not always be construed to point to one and the same reference.
II. WHEN WAS THE 144,000 MENTIONED IN REVELATION 7:4 SEALED?1. The one hundred forty four thousand... Rev. 14:3-4
Q. Whose work is the 144,000? A. The work of the Lamb.... Rev. 14:1
Q. Who is the Lamb referred to? A. Christ is the Lamb of God Jn. 1:29
Q. When did the calling of those sealed by the Lamb or Christ occur? A. Christ was 30 years old when He started preaching This was in the first century.. Luc.3:23
NOTE: The 144,000 were called in the first century.
III. WHEN DID THE WORK OF THE OTHER ANGEL BEGIN?1. Simultaneous with the four angels.. Rev. 7:1-3
Q. When did the wind or the war (which was seen being held back by the four Angels happen? A. At the end of the sixth seal.. Rev. 6:12 & 15
Q. What is the meaning of the wind (being held back by the four angels which Was also the reason why all kinds of people hid in shelters)? A. The war is held back by the four angels..
There is a big difference between the sealing mentioned in Rev. 7:2-3 and the sealing pointed out in Rev. 7:4. There is a difference in: a) time; b) place and c) the ones sealed - those cited in Rev. 7:4 have and exact number while the ones prophesied to be sealed in Rev. 7:2-3 have no exact number or count. The work of the angel prophesied in Rev. 7:2-3 will be in these last days and this is the last work of salvation by God.