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30 Lessons
The 30 lessons an indoctrinee is required to finish before being baptized.
- The Proper Way of Serving our lord god.
- The Authorities proving the Teachings of the Church of Christ.
- How can we obtain Salvation on Judgement Day
- Man Needs the Church Of Christ for their Salvation
- The true Baptism
- The Words of God as written in the Bible
- The True God who should be Worshipped
- Complete Faith in God
- Our Lord Jesus Christ Commands that whoever wants to be saved, MUST join the church of Christ.
- The proper way of joining the Church Of Christ
- The Attributes of Jesus Christ and his True Nature
- The Distinction of our Lord God and Our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Obligation of the members of the Church of Christ to lead a New Life.
- It is the responsibility of the COC members, to attend the worship services on the Days set down.
- Brotherhood within the COC.
- The Two prohibitions of the COC
- The Eating of Blood
- Marring outside the church
- Offerings
- Sharing our faith with those outside the church
- Assuring that your name is in the Book of life, Abiding in the church
- Unity We Observe in the COC.
- On Judgement Day, there will be a resurrection and inheritance of Gods People.
- Things to do after Baptism
- Why there are strict rules and requirements for those who want to become members of the COC.
- Why most of us have been Raised in the Catholic Church and not the INC
- The Teachings of God, that the Catholic Church turned away from
- Teachings of the Catholic Church that is disapproved of, by the Bible.
- Salvation cannot be attained by Faith Alone.
- SteadFast and Firm
- Persecutions as members of COC
- The Last lesson was a Review of all the previous lessons